The Libraries’ book sale ends with another triumph

After 38 years, the annual Frank B. Armstrong Memorial Book Sale phases out

The last Friends of the Libraries Frank B. Armstrong Memorial Book Sale was another howling success! Happy book shoppers in the tent on the Brickyard hauled away over 800 boxes of books and raised $17,034 for the Libraries this year. All proceeds from the sale will go into the Library Excellence Endowment fund, a general fund to support Libraries services and programs.

The Friends of the Library would like to thank the volunteers, student workers, Libraries staff and others for their hundreds of hours of work on the sale this year and in years past.

The Technician published a great story about the phasing out of the annual book sale after 38 years and some of the Libraries’ future fundraising plans.

Honoring a devoted supporter of the Libraries, the Frank B. Armstrong Memorial Book Sale was the culmination of hundreds of hours of work by volunteers, students, the Libraries staff, and others. The Libraries has renamed the Hill Library Popular Reading Section after Frank B. and Beverly Z. Armstrong to continue to honor them.